Thursday, November 12, 2009


Everyone has dreams and aspirations. I remember growing up as a child thinking, "When I grow up I'm gonna have a big house, a nice car, lots of money to spend, and I'm not gonna have a care in the world." Yes that is childish thinking. But most of that is attainable, With lots of work and persistence. We all have worries and cares and the older you get I think the more we worry. But what keeps us from attaining those goals?
Circumstances. Things happen in our lives that we can't control and that keeps us from working towards the goal. The main thing that I see is MOTIVATION. We start off good, with plans and goals to reach. But something happens inside that makes us think that maybe the work is too hard, or I'm not good enough to have this. Sometimes it's just plain laziness. Being born in our day in age is hard. We have everything Instant and Fast, not having to work for anything. This has made our generation lazy. Especially if we had parents that did everything for us. Now I wasn't born into a wealthy family, but my mom did everything for me and my brothers. She did it because she loves and cares for us. I know that there is not anything my mom wouldn't do for me. But in ways it has done me bad. Growing up and getting married was hard. Not having mom around to clean or cook. I was so use to having everything done for me that I was too lazy to do it myself. I'm 25 and just now getting use to being a grown up. Maybe this is something we won't do to our children. I love my kids but I want them to have more than I had, and in order for them to get that, they will have to work hard. It won't be easy but I know that they can do it. I have goals and dreams that I can't wait to come true. But I know that I will have to work hard and press on toward my goal. Every time I fell like giving up God gives me the strength to go on. No matter what circumstance, or what trails my come, I am determined to reach my goal.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New beginning

Time heals all wounds. I heard this statement many times as a way to comfort people. Yet when I try to tell myself "You're gonna be okay, time heals all wounds." I feel no comfort whatsoever. Does anyone ever fully recover from emotional wounds? I feel wounded, like I just came out of a war, or battle. Bleeding all over the place. Then I patch myself up and go on pretending like everything is okay, until something, someone, or even a memory opens up the wound and then I'm bleeding all over the place again. So I'm never fully healed. I am going to make a decision right now to allow God to do all the healing in me that needs to be done. I'm not going to allow this to over take my life. God has so much in store for me and I will never be able to grasp it until I let this hurt go. I now know that I need God more than ever. He is my strength. When I am weak he is so strong. I can't wait to see the outcome of this. Maybe a stronger woman of God!